Friday, November 03, 2006

The thankful life.

Thanks everyone for your sweet and kind words. I am still here. Amazingly my period showed up on Tuesday. For this I am very thankful. Even if I don't get pregnant it is just nice to know that the body is doing something right sometimes!!!! I am feeling really good about this cycle. Not in the I think I'm gonna get pregnant or anything, but that I have peace. I know that whatever happens is God's will and I am ok with that. I am trying to stay in a thankful place. I know that regardless of the fact that I don't have a child, God has blessed greatly and for that I am thankful. I have so much more than many many people. My life really isn't all that bad.

I have started the Glucophage for my PCOS. The dr I work for gave it to me. It is supposed to help me to ovulate by lowering my testosterone level which gets raised because of the insulin. It is all a little confusing. But it should help to regulate me and hopefully I will ovulate. The bad part is that it makes me feel like crap. It only lasts about an hour after I take it. I can live with the side effects if it does what it should. It should also help me with my weight. Which I don't mind help with!!! Still going to the gym. I only went two days this week because honestly I'm lazy. But hey two is better than none. :P


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